Αρχισα λοιπον να σκαλιζω, για να καταλαβω ποια πραγματικα ειμαι, τι αξιζω...
Εμαθα οτι οταν υπαρχει αυτογνωσια τοτε αρχιζει και η αγαπη προς τον εαυτο σου...
Εμαθα οτι οταν υπαρχει αυτογνωσια τοτε αρχιζει και η αγαπη προς τον εαυτο σου...
Posted by Cassiel at 12:14 pm 14 comments
What changes a person??
I am not talking about the scraps and scrapes you get when you're young
I am talking about the events in your life that make you stronger, that dent you, that change you...towards being better or veer you off the path
Your first love
The erosion in your soul when your parents fight
A betrayal of trust from someone you thought a friend, a lover, a parent
When you fight the darkness to get back the soul of the man you loved only to find out that now you're fighting for your life and your soul....
When you get dishonest with yourself and someone turns the mirror around to face you and you realise just how much you've been hiding away from everyone.
When you've build up a wall around you so thick and you think that no one can see past it to the real you.
Then suddenly something changes, the penny drops, you change and you begin to see things differently
You begin to listen to that inner voice within you...(either that or you start taking the little blue pill)
You pick yourself off the ground, you dust yourself off and you look on to the new day, and you realise this....
"I am the one I've been waiting for"
"I can make a difference"
Πριν απο μια εβδομαδα λιγο πριν με παρει ο υπνος (τωρα που με πηγε αστο καλυτερα)
Ακουγα ενα cd που ελεγε
"You can change your life, you can start living the life you wanted to live"
Λεω στον καλο τον Θεουλη, "Θεε μου, θελω να ζησω μια ζωη πιο ανετη, enough is enough!! I deserve it!!!"
Απο τοτε σχεδον ολα αρχισαν να πηγαινουν στραβα, μετα καταλαβα το εξης:
Τιποτα δεν γινεται χωρις να το παλεψεις!!
Μετα ομως ειδα οτι ειμαι πολυ πιο τυχερη..απο καποιους αλλους..
Some very private thoughts during a dark night of the soul.
Posted by Cassiel at 10:41 am 7 comments