One night I had a wondrous dream,

But then some stranger prints appeared,

"My child," He said in somber tones,
"You disobeyed, you would not grow,
"Because in life, there comes a time,

Posted by Cassiel at 12:05 am 1 comments
I recently saw a movie with the above title, and it struck a chord in me.
Posted by Cassiel at 5:35 am 2 comments
1. ΣΕΞ... :
α) είμαι γυναίκα με προτίμηση στους άντρες
β) είμαι άντρας με προτίμηση στις γυναίκες
γ) είμαι γυναίκα με προτίμηση στις γυναίκες
δ)είμαι άντρας με προτίμηση στους άντρες
ε) είμαι απ΄ όλα με προτίμηση σε όλα
a) Eimai gynaika me protimisi stous andres.
Dystixws oi ypoloipes apandiseis tha einai sta agglika
I am a woman who prefers men, but real men with no insecurities, no hang ups, men who let their women be women without the woman having to take the role of a man.
Men who let their women grow and vice versa. I believe that marriage is sacred, when two people agree to enter a relationship it's the coming of two equals. It is based on loyalty, honesty, commitment, unbridled passion and of course unconditional love.
It is a relationship where there are no limits.
Popo, pou kryvotan auto??
2. HOBBY :
α) μαγειρική - γυμναστήριο
β) μασάζ - ποδηλασία
γ) ταξίδια - τοξοβολία
δ) συναυλίες - κολύμπι
ε) μοντελισμός - βόλτες με το σκάφος
Mageirikh me syndiasmo gymnastiriou, me ligo masaz etsi gia na fygoun oi ponoi, taxidia se makrina meri, synavlies mono gia mena, kolimbi se erimes thalases.
3. ΤΕΧΝΗ :
α) μουσική
β) χορός
γ) κινηματογράφος - θέατρο
δ) λογοτεχνία
ε) ζωγραφική - γλυπτική - αρχιτεκτονική
Ola!!!! An kai den xerw na ftiaxnw mousikh tin latrevw, taxidevw se allous kosmous otan tin akouw, h mousikh me giatrevei.
Oles oi texnes einai gia na mporei o kathe anthrwpos na vrei ptyxes tou eautou tou.
α) αριστερά
β) κεντροαριστερά
γ) κεντροδεξιά
δ) δεξιά
ε) πάρτω αλλιώς
Dystixws den pistevw pia se politikous, h dynami prepei na dwthei pisw stous anthrwpous.
α) μαθηματικά - γεωμετρία
β) χημεία - φυσική
γ) έκθεση και γλώσσα
δ) ιστορία - γεωγραφία
ε) θρησκευτικά και γυμναστική
Ola kai tipota, ta perissotera mathimata ta ematha apo tin zwi....
Ligo ap'ola.
α) γατάκι
β) σκυλάκι
γ) ψαράκι
δ) πουλάκι
ε) κροκοδειλάκι
Dystixws eimai sucker gia adespota, diladi oti xreiazetai spiti, auto distixws isxyei kai gia anthrwpous.... Eimai beste skyloi aleste.
α) στη θάλασσα
β) στο βουνό
γ) στη Μύκονο
δ) στη Γαύδο
ε) στην Αθήνα.
Kati se syndiasmo, thalassa kai vouno....pantws oxi mykono, oute athina....
Xwris synostismo.
8. ΧΡΩΜΑ :
α) λευκό
β) κόκκινο
γ) μοβ
δ) μπλε
ε) μαύρο
Ouranio toxo!!
Einai kalytero kai gia to chakra mas.....:)
α) κρεβατοκάμαρα
β) κουζίνα
γ) τουαλέτα
δ) σαλόνι
ε) πατάρι
Oti dwmatio exei agapi.
α) 7 ώρες
β) 7 ημέρες
γ) 7 μήνες
δ) πάνω από 7 χρόνια
ε) ε, όχι και 7 χρόνια.
Posted by Cassiel at 12:33 am 1 comments
The angelic beings, or celestial intelligences, are divided into three triads, containing the nine orders, and whose names, represent the divine attributes that they manifest to all below them.
888 - A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning so you can prepare. This number sequence may mean that you are winding up an emotional, career, or relationship phase. It also means that there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means, “The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them.” In other words, don’t procrastinate making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labor.
Number 7 is the sign of Completeness, it is considered the number of the Virgin and of the holy spirit. We live life in a series of 7 years.
When I was 7 I wanted to be a doctor so I can cure cancer. Mind you that changed because I also wanted to be a police officer like my grandfather.
Now my inherent parts have not actually changed. My pathway involves healing and protecting myself and others. Funny how I've come a full circle.
Six: The symbolism behind number Six is legend. With Venus as it's ruler, Six represents harmony, balance, sincerity, love, and truth. Sixes naturally reveal solutions for us in a calm, unfolding manner. We invoke the Six when we need delicate diplomacy when dealing with sensitive matters. The spiritual meaning of number Six also deals with enlightenment; specifically "lighting" our path in areas where we require spiritual and mental balance. Sixes beckon us to administer compassion, and consciously choose forgiveness in a situation.
Ahhh Lessons to be learned, I do like a balance in my life, but I don't always have one.
There have been times that I have been focused in way too much in either my physical side or my mental side, I have learned to respect all my sides equally.
The number 5
Represents expansion. Inclusiveness, comprehensive, understanding, and judgment. Increase, richness and propagation. Justice, reaping and harvesting. Reproduction of self in the material world, fatherhood, rewards and punishments. The seed-fruit or pomegranate, multiplication. It represents communication, movement and versatility. The number 5 is number of the intellect and both written and oral expression. The symbol of Mercury.
The coming together of equals in a sacred relationship that's what number 5 means to me....
Posted by Cassiel at 10:13 pm 1 comments